
Adults’ Ministries

Corporate Prayer

Each Sunday morning before Church in the Office Foyer at 8.45am-9.15am.  All Welcome

Craft & Friendship

The program starts at 9.30am with morning tea, then a short devotional and prayer time, followed by craft until approximately 11.30am every Tuesday (except holidays). Cost is just a $2 donation.

Our aim is to be of assistance and to show love and care for one another during times of need such as illness, emergency and hardship. We do this through the provision of fresh new meals. We also keep frozen meals on hand for emergencies.

Each Sunday morning before Church in the Office Foyer at 8.45am-9.15am.  All Welcome


Grow in your faith together as you commence studies going through the Bible together. Create support networks and new friends.

Meals Ministry

Our aim is to be of assistance and to show love and care for one another during times of need such as illness, emergency and hardship. We do this through the provision of fresh new meals. We also keep frozen meals on hand for emergencies.

Kids’ Ministries

JFC, or Jesus Friendship Club, is our Children’s Ministry (Sunday School). We cater for kindy age to grade 7.JFC is held in school terms, during other times an activity pack is provided during sermon times. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Youth Group

Are you in high school?

Want to meet new people, have a ton of fun all the while learning about faith, life and its purpose?

When: 7:30pm-9:30pm Friday
Cost: $3
Where: Dalby Baptist Church
(unless otherwise stated on the program)

Want to join us? Fill in the rego form!