For tithes and offerings. This account is for general expenses and keeps the Church running. This is the best destination for general offerings.

General Funds
BSB: 704-913
ABN: 400039459
REF: Tithe/Offering/Donation
Designated Funds
For specific ministry donations. This account holds funds for many ministry areas, as well as special projects like Aircon, Building Fund and Thanksgiving offerings.
BSB: 704-913
ABN: 400017547
REF: Intended Ministry Area
For all Mission donations. The Church also tithes 10% of Sunday offerings, for the funds can then be used in mission fields locally, nationally, and internationally.
BSB: 704-913
ABN: 400030656
REF: Intended Mission Area
Online Giving
Give online using the portal below. It can be slow to load – please be patient.
Cash Offering
We have an Offering Box at church for cash donations to be deposited.
EFTPOS is also available. If it’s not in the hall, it is available int he church office by request.